Cops Finally Put a Stop to Amanda Bynes, Impound Her BMW

The law finally caught up with scofflaw Amanda Bynes yesterday when she was pulled over by police in Burbank, California, and cited for driving with a suspended license.
"I can confirm that Amanda Bynes was cited at approximately 8:20 a.m. Sunday for driving with a suspended license," Burbank Airport Police spokesman Victor Gill told People. "Her car was impounded and she received a misdemeanor citation."
Gill did not specify why Bynes was pulled over in the first place, but said she was not arrested.
Mean girl Lindsay Lohan, no stranger to crossing the thin blue line, took the opportunity to kick Bynes while she was down.
"Why did I get put in jail and a nickelodeon star has had NO punishment(s) so far?," LiLo tweeted yesterday. "These are the moments that I appreciate my life experiences, living without regrets and Disney for supporting me as an actress."
Despite rumors that Bynes' sanity — or lack thereof — could be responsible for her bizarre behavior of late, the former child star is reportedly claiming to friends that "everything's fine."
She further denies smoking marijuana in her car last week, saying the "drug pipe" was stuffed with harmless tobacco.
In addition to yesterday's misdemeanor, Bynes is also expected to answer for at least two hit-and-runs she was involved in recently, as well as a DUI charge from April.
[photo via Getty]