Lindsay Lohan was drunk when she reportedly hit a pedestrian with her car near New York's Dream Hotel early Wednesday morning — at least according to her victim.

The Liz & Dick star was arrested outside the hotel and booked for leaving the scene of an accident. She was released a short while later with a desk appearance ticket.

"She was slurring," Manhattan chef Jose Rodriguez told the Daily News. "She smelled like alcohol real bad."

Police at the scene of the accident — outside the entrance to the hotel's exclusive Electric Room nightclub — reported that Lindsay didn't appear drunk, but Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly told reporters a Breathalyzer test was not administered.

Rodriguez claims Lindsay and her entourage "acted like I was nothing" when he asked her why she hit him with her Porsche Cayenne. "She said, ‘You have to get out of the way.' She told me I have to move."

According to TMZ, surveillance video footage of the accident does not explicitly show Lindsay's car striking Rodriguez.

Sources close to the investigation who spoke with the gossip site say detectives who reviewed the tape couldn't agree on whether the Porsche made contact with the victim's leg as he claims. Furthermore, Rodriguez is said to be seen "sprinting" to catch up with the car shortly after he was supposedly hit.

It also appears as though Rodriguez only confronted Lindsay upon realizing she was the person driving the car.

Rodriguez says he was told by doctors at Bellevue Hospital that he has torn tendons. "I was in so much pain; I fell to the side," he told the Daily News.

[photo via Getty]