We turn our backs on Lisa Marie Presley for one second and what does she do? Starts selling French fries out of the back of a van.

The New York Daily News reports that Presley has taken up this new hobby in the quaint English village where she and her husband (another American transplant) have been living for the past two years.

The worst part is that Lisa Marie Presley doesn't even own the van out of which she's selling food. It belongs to two of her friends, local pub owners.

"I'm sorry to come to you like this, but would you guys mind loaning me your van for a while? Not for a long time, I promise. Just until my van-food business gets off the ground and I can afford to lease my own."

(According to the News, Presley's friends ask her to help out with the side business from time to time, because she gets a kick out of it. The novelty of the service industry.)

Those wishing to be handed fish and chips by Elvis Presley's daughter should head to Rotherfield, in southeast England.

In the 16th century, three Protestant martrys (two men and one woman) were burned at the stake there.

(NYDN // Image via Getty)