The Etiquette of Drowning: Greet Your Rescuer by Name

Katie Nelson was eating lunch at a restaurant in Portland, Maine last Friday when she saw a car zoom down the street and over the edge of Portland Harbor.
As the car started to sink below the surface of the frigid water, Nelson jumped in after it, climbed on top of the vehicle, and crawled in through the rear window.
Ever conscious of her manners, Nelson greeted the driver, 84 year old Ursula Nixon, brightly, only to have her warm introduction selfishly rebuffed.
"I said ‘Hi, I'm Katie,' and she was like ‘I don't wanna die in here. I'm gonna drown."
Nelson told Nixon she was not going to drown, and then kept her promise, pulling her, with the help of some other passersby, from the sinking vehicle.
Nixon was removed to the hospital; several of her rescuers were treated for hypothermia on site.
(WCSH 6 (video) via New York Daily News // Image via wonderlane/flickr)