Major Porn Site Will Donate Money to a Breast Cancer Charity for Every Boob Video You Watch

If tearjerking comedy shows aren't enough of an incentive to support breast cancer research, perhaps PornHub's "Save the Boobs" promotion might persuade you to lend a hand.
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month (and to celebrate the passing of No Fap September), the world's third largest porn site is offering to donate 1 cent to a breast cancer charity for every 30 views of either a "big tit video" or a "small tit video."
If that doesn't seem like a lot, consider this: Over 12 million videos have been viewed so far this month — and it's only October 5th.
PornHub is still looking for a charity willing to get in bed with it — Susan G. Komen for the Cure pulled out at the last minute, saying it did not want the website's money.
If you're a breast cancer charity and would like to partner with PornHub, get in touch with them. Just make sure to wash your hands afterwards.