North Carolina Student Spiked Teacher's Coffee With Butt Enhancing Pills

According to a police report, a student at Charlotte's Independence High School spiked a teacher's coffee with a "butt-enhancing drug." Ellen Vick, a technical education teacher at the school, reported the incident Monday of last week. School investigators then discovered a package of GluteBoost, which contained three empty capsules and a full one, although it's not exactly clear where the package was found.
But what does GluteBoost do and how does it work? From the company's webpage:
Are you wondering How To Get A Bigger Butt or how to get Bigger Buttocks Naturally? Gluteboost is your answer!!! Gluteboost is an All Natural Butt Enhancement Pill designed to give you the hour glass figure you deserve without paying for expensive buttock enhancement surgery or enduring the pain of pricey butt injections.
Gluteboost was formulated to naturally enhance your buttocks while shredding fat from unwanted areas. Finally you can achieve your goals and get a bigger booty 100% Risk FREE by trying Gluteboost´s All Natural Butt Enlargement Pills.
GluteBoost's FAQ section notes that users usually don't notice "results" for two to four months, so let's hope the student had been at it for a while.
The student was disciplined "according to district code of conduct," but no police charges have been filed.