Teen Has Stomach Removed After Drinking 'Super-Chilled Cocktail' Containing Liquid Nitrogen

The UK's Food Standards Agency has issued a warning to consumers advising caution when consuming alcoholic drinks containing liquid nitrogen after an 18-year-old girl from Heysham, Lancashire, became gravely ill last week.
Gaby Scanlon was celebrating her 18th birthday with friends at Oscar's Wine Bar when she began to complain of stomach pains after imbibing a Jagermeister cocktail infused with liquid nitrogen.
She was rushed to the hospital, where doctors were forced to remove a large part of stomach that had become perforated. Gaby remains in hospital, where she is listed in "serious but stable" condition
The establishment that served Gaby the "Nitro Jagermeister" drink has suspended its sale, and is reportedly cooperating a Lancashire Police investigation.
Lancaster City Council's Licensing Committee chairman Pail Aitchison told ITV he has tried the drink himself having "assumed the drinks served in licensed premises will be safe."
He added: "It was quite scary to think that it could have possibly happened to me."