New York Times Employees Walk-Out (Sort of) Over Union Dispute [UPDATE]

Today, New York Times staffers staged the golf clap of protests when about 300 staffers essentially took a smoke break at the same time. Now This News reports the walk out lasted about 10 minutes, which is understandable because oh my god why is it so cold in New York today?
The protest was over stalled-out contract negotiations between employees and the Grey Lady; union members have been working without a contract for the last 18 months.

What I want to talk about is this magnificent photo, which shows one lonely employee in the building while the rest of her coworkers protest their no good, very bad bosses. She, the tragic hero left alone in the office. A symbol of the newspaper industry, standing tall, as the world crumbles around her. Probably though she was just in the bathroom when the walk-out started and no one bothered to go get her.
In an email published by the Huffington Post, New York Times Newspaper Guild of New York unit chair Grant Glickson says this won't be the last you hear from him. And then he stroked his mustache and disappeared in a puff of smoke.
Today we begin a series of actions to make sure that the company hears and understands our position. We have more than earned fair wages and benefits. We will accept nothing less.
According to the email, negotiations between staffers and the newspaper resume tomorrow morning.
By the way, a couple minutes after the walk-out, Arianna Huffington tweeted a couple pictures of herself hanging out with New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson and publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. So the New York Times leadership is definitely taking this very seriously and not just hanging out exclusively with other members of the media elite.
UPDATE: Now This News interviewed a staffer who took part in the walk-out. He listed fair wages and a better health plan among the group's requests.