Pizza Hut is offering one lucky pizza lover free pizza for life in exchange for one tiny favor: That they embarrass themselves on live television before the President of the United States and millions of their fellow Americans at next week's presidential debate.

The prize will be awarded to the attendee who asks either of the candidates during the live telecast of the town hall format debate at Hofstra University if they prefer Sausage or Pepperoni on their pie.

"We recognize there are a lot of serious issues to be debated, but we also know a lot less serious - but no less important - ones are being discussed every night inside houses across the country," Pizza Hut CMO Kurt Kane said in a press release. "So for the candidates to be able to show that they're in tune with all the issues, we felt a pizza-related question on behalf of The Pizza Party was very appropriate for a town hall debate."

The promotion is part of a larger marketing campaign involving the launch of Pizza Hut's own political party — The Pizza Party — complete with the nomination of its own presidential candidate: Big Dinner Box.

According to the press release, "Fans are also encouraged to use the hashtag #ThePizzaParty on debate night in order to further push for this question to get asked of either of the candidates."

God bless America.

[screengrab via Pizza Hut]