Used Enemas Resold to CVS Customers After Being Resealed and Returned

A CVS store in Jacksonville, Florida, has been forced to call up customers who purchased ready-to-use enemas earlier this year to inform them that their medical device may have been previously used by someone else.
Ronald Eugene Robinson was arrested in June and charged with tampering with consumer products after it came to light that he allegedly used and returned as many as 12 enemas over the course of two months, claiming the packages had not been opened.
Several of the enemas were still in the store at the time of the arrest, but some had already been sold to customers. Tests conducted by the Florida Department of Health on the bottles found in-store, which had been resealed after use, came back positive for fecal matter.
Robinson faces a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison as well as a $250,000 fine if convicted.
His ex-wife told The Florida Times-Union Robinson has a history of drug use.