Student-Run "Fantasy Slut League" a Concern at California High School

Parents of students at Piedmont High School in Piedmont, California, received a letter from the principal last week alerting them to the existence of an extracurricular game among male varsity athletes involving the receipt of "score points" in exchange for sexual activities with female students.
In his letter, principal Rich Kitchens went into detail about the rules of "Fantasy Slut League":
Female students (unbeknownst to most of them) are drafted as part of the league...Male students earn points for documented engagement in sexual activities with female students.
A date rape prevention assembly brought the existence of the league to light, and a subsequent investigation revealed that it had been around for at least five years.
"Over the past five to six years such a league has existed in one form or another as part of bonding for some varsity teams during their seasons of sport," Kitchens told parents. "Participation often involved pressure/manipulation by older students that included alcohol to impair judgment/control and social demands to be popular."
Superintendent Constance Hubbard told ABC7 News the purpose of the letter was to keep parents abreast "of things that were going in their kids' lives."
No disciplinary action is expected as the "league" was organized off-campus, but the school does plan to hold a series of assemblies to raise awareness and discuss prevention.