Yesterday, Gawker received an impassioned email from a Mt. Lebanon (Pa.) High student concerning the school's proposed "grinding" ban. (If you are not sure what "grinding" is, you'll find out in detail shortly.) The letter was so convincing that we asked to republish it in full, and the student complied, so long as they remain anonymous, lest the school administration attempt to suppress Mt. Lebanon's one true Grinder Crusader. We salute the student's important cause.

Dearest Gawker,

My high school in Mt. Lebanon, PA has decided to ban the dance form of grinding from our school dances. In case you don't know what grinding is, basically it's when a guy stands in back of the girl and the girl harmlessly moves her butt from side to side across the guy's crotch to the beat of the music. Nothing more than teenagers letting out a little sexual frustration, right? Well my high school principal, Mr. McFeeley (I cannot make that name up) decided to ban grinding at all future dances. Apparently the behavior was deemed wildly inappropriate and overly sexual by concerned parents and teachers, so naturally he decided to ban it. However, I, like nearly the entire student body, feel that the banning on the style of dance that does not hurt anyone is quite absurd and think the administration should be focusing more on the small group of students that consistently shows up to dances completely trashed, which can potentially endanger many people's lives. It's spawning an interesting debate in my school district, as the majority of kids (like me) who just like to (without drugs and alcohol) let off a little steam and let out some pent-up sexual frustration at dances are now contending with the prudent adults. I feel that especially since teenager's are more pressured than ever to do well in high school, doing a little dirty dancing two Saturdays a year is not worth the district's time and attention, unlike more pressing issues such as teen drinking. Here are the screenshots from the email everyone at the high school (parents, students, teachers, and administrators) received last Friday, October 19:

I hope you find this new piece worth your time, because I think it is an excellent insight into the current high schooler's battle between trying to have the fun few years pop-culture tells us we should and the overwhelming pressure we feel to get into a good college. Thanks for reading.
Age 16, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

School tries to eliminate 'grinding' from Mt. Lebanon dances [Pittsburgh Post-Gazette]

Photo: dok1/Flickr.