Chiara Atik is the Girl You Wish You Knew When You Moved to New York

Say hello to Chiara Atik, everyone! Chiara is the current Dating Expert at HowAboutWe, has done stints as a nightlife reporter and Editor over at Guest of a Guest, and is about to publish a book called Modern Dating: a Field Guide — basically she's the go-to-girl for how to dive headfirst into the shark tank better known as the New York social scene.
Over the next few weeks, Chiara will be live on Gawker to answer your questions and dispense some expert advice on dating, schmoozing, and scrambling up the always-slippery social ladder.
Head to Gawker on 11/19 at 2pm ET, 11/28 and 12/5 at 12pm ET to talk to Chiara, and find out how she can help lift you to a better state of living.
Illustration by Alexandra Cannon, Studio@Gawker