Business Insider Wonders: Are Women Too Lazy to Succeed at Goldman Sachs?

You may remember Business Insider Editor-in-Chief Henry Blodget from the time he cut-and-pasted an entire New York magazine article onto his website, or when he boldly published an inquisitive piece called, "Why Do People Hate Jews?" Today, more of the same from the man Bloomberg TV once dubbed King of the Bloggers.
In a new piece that harkens back to his anti-Semitism query, Blodget asks BI readers to speculate about why it might be the case that, in Goldman Sachs' latest round of partner promotions, only 10 out of the 70 people promoted were women. Might it be that there is a historic and stubborn glass ceiling in the world of business that has long found competent women denied opportunities for advancement? Or are women just too lazy and obsessed with having babies?
Writes Blodget:
Is it women's fault, for not working hard enough to get hired by Goldman and then being driven and tough enough to climb to the top? Did too many women start off well at Goldman and then quit to do something else—like have families? Are women just not willing to do what it takes?
Since initially publishing this groundbreaking paragraph, Blodget has disappeared it from the original post. It's a shame, he might have really been onto something. Shiftless women.
In a last-minute email statement, Blodget explains why he canned the above paragraph (and, strangely, another one suggesting institutional sexism may be to blame):
One of my colleagues politely suggested that, by framing the answers in such an cartoonish way, I sounded like a sexist Neanderthal. I didn't want to sound like that!
(I also dinged the one hypothesizing that Goldman is run by sexist alpha-males who promote other sexist alpha males).
The original paragraph, screen-shotted below:

Photo via Getty.