Romney Face Tat Guy Wants the Ink Removed, Says Romney Has 'No Dignity'

Remember the independent pro-wrestler from Indiana who got a face tattoo of the Romney-Ryan logo and then said he was "totally disappointed" by Romney's loss but had no regrets about the ink?
Well, despite assuring his fans that he "will keep the tattoo for life," Eric Hartsburg, 30, has decided he'd like it removed after all.
But the reason might surprise you: Speaking with Politico, Harsburg said it was Romney's post-election talk about President Obama's "gifts" to voters that ultimately changed his mind.
"It stands not only for a losing campaign but for a sore loser," the Michigan City native said. "He's pretty shameful as far as I'm concerned, man. There's no dignity in blaming somebody else for buying votes and paying off people. I can't get behind that or stay behind that."
As for Hartsburg, he'll be a little less of a loser, but far more sore than Romney once Dr. TATTOFF finishes removing his tattoo. Luckily, the sessions, which normally cost around $1,000, will be free of charge.
And after he's done, Hartsburg plans to put his face up for auction again. "But," he says, "I might be a little bit more choosy about political tattooing." That's the first good idea he's had in a while.