Earlier today, scofflaw Lindsay Lohan was arrested yet again for allegedly punching a woman at a Chelsea nightclub and causing "bruising and swelling" to her face.

According to TMZ, the altercation was over a boy — a boy band member to be exact.

If the gossip site's story is to be believed, Lindsay Lohan had been crushing on Max George of English-Irish boy band The Wanted for some time now, and last night finally got a chance to see him perform live at Madison Square Garden where his band was opening for Justin Bieber.

After the show, LiLo managed to locate Max at a nearby hotel bar and together with other Wanted members they headed over to club Avenue. TMZ has the rest:

As the evening wore on, we're told Lindsay got drunker and drunker ... and it turned Max off. He then started talking to another woman, which enraged Lindsay. That woman is the one Lindsay is accused of battering. (FYI — Max was also really drunk).

The New York Post has since identified the victim as a married 28-year-old Floridian named Tiffany Eve Mitchell. In fact, it seems Mitchell's husband was present at the time of the incident. Did he let Max hit on his wife? Was LiLo being a drama queen? Both? Hmm.

Either way, Max apparently split the difference with a third girl and ended up leaving the club with her.

Lindsay, meanwhile, may have more than just another misdemeanor on her hands — she might have four.

TMZ is also reporting that the Santa Monica City Attorney has just filed a criminal complaint against the actress, charging her with three additional crimes related to her Pacific Coast Highway accident earlier this year.

The charges revolve around the belief among local law enforcement officials that Lindsay was behind the wheel of the car at the time of the accident, and subsequently lied about it.

UPDATE: In a thinly-veiled tweet posted minutes ago, Max appeared to weigh in on last night's brouhaha:

Replied a fan: "Did lindsey lohan really punch someone cause she wanted your dick?" Well, did she?

[screengrab via TMZ, photo via Getty]