One of the Guys from The Wanted Wore a "FREE LINDSAY" Shirt Yesterday (But Not The Guy She Reportedly Loooves)

Jay McGuiness, one of the singers of The Wanted, gave the recently re-re-re-arrested Lindsay Lohan a special shout-out via fashion while opening for Justin Bieber at Madison Square Garden Thursday night, by wearing a "FREE LINDSAY" shirt onstage.
Lohan is rumored to have been trying to get jiggy with McGuiness' bandmate, Max George, at a club in the wee hours of Thursday morning, when she was arrested for punching a fellow patron in the face.
McGuiness' shirt appears to have been handmade by someone with a true artist's eye or, anyway, markers. Photographs from other angles reveal a sketch of a woman's face underneath the plea.
Max George did not wear a "FREE LINDSAY" shirt onstage.
It's like when you're waving at a guy but his friend thinks you're actually waving at him.