Following news of Lindsay Lohan's latest nightclub rampage even the most voracious gossip hounds had to wonder if we've had about enough of LiLo and her attention-usurping exploits.

At D.C.-area CBS affiliate WUSA, news director Fred D'Ambrosi decided to put the question to a vote. "I'm thinking about banning all #LindsayLohan stories @wusa9," D'Ambrosi tweeted, inviting viewers to weigh in on the proposed "Lohan Ban."

His tweet was picked up by the station's official Twitter feed, and within 45 minutes D'Ambrosi was back with the results: The Lindsay Lohan story would be nixed.

"Due to popular demand, we just killed the :20 #LindsayLohan story in @wusa9 @5," he tweeted. "The people have spoken!"

Riding high on the success of his social experiment, D'Ambrosi later asked his followers to tell him which other "not news" stories the station should ban.

After concern grew that banning all fluff would leave WUSA with nothing to air, D'Ambrosi quickly assuaged fears by confirming that at least one topic would be spared the banhammer: "Gangnam Style."

[H/T: TVSpy, tweet via @9NewsDirector]