Famous sex tape lady Kim Kardashian just wrapped up her trip to the Middle East. No, she wasn't there to educate herself on worldly matters or to solve any crises, Ms. K was there to open a couple branches of the L.A. chain Millions of Milkshakes. Some of her fans apparently paid up to $1,200 to attend her appearance at a mall.

But like everywhere else Kim goes, there's destruction and panic.

Some conservative Islamic citizens in Bahrain were worried that Kanye West's muse would cause their country to become a place where everyone films sex tapes, promotes custom milkshakes, and slaps a "K" in front of everything that they possibly kan. So yesterday, they organized a public protest against her simple milkshake promoting presence.

Protestors, one of whom was holding a sign that said "Syria receives martyrs while Bahrain receives whores," were teargassed by police because cops love milkshakes and boobs and really just want to change their name to "kops."

She also started trouble on Twitter when she basically endorsed Bahraini dictator Sheikh Khalifa:

Everyone should just sit back, drink a milkshake, and watch a little Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Before an episode or two is over, she'll be out of the Middle East and on to the next region that needs her unique public appearance skills.

Let's just hope Scott Disick doesn't decide to get into national diplomacy any time soon.

[Image via Instagram]