Everyone is Mad at the Clintons for Not Helping to Legalize Gay Marriage

Frank Bruni wants Bill Clinton to apologize already. No, The New York Times op-ed columnist wasn't personally attacked by the former President or anything. Bruni wants Clinton to finally own up to signing the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996.
DOMA, of course, enforces that the federal government recognizes only marriages between a man and a woman. In a tightly written op-ed in today's paper, Bruni asks Clinton, "why, amid all the battles you've joined, and with all the energy you've been able to muster, haven't you made a more vigorous case for same-sex marriage, especially in light of your history on this issue?"
He also notes that Bill's wife, outgoing Secretary of State, HIllary Clinton could do more as well. A Politico post published on Friday also accused Hillary of being a bit too mum on the subject, noting that she did not support same-sex marriage when she ran for President in 2008.
But are we all being a bit too harsh on the Clintons?
In December of 2011, Hillary spoke at a United Nations conference in Geneva where she made the important declaration, "gay rights are human rights:"
Clinton spokesman Philippe Reines emailed Politico to say, "Since the day she entered the State Department, Secretary Clinton has made providing greater benefits and support to the gays and lesbians who serve our country as diplomats a top priority. As Secretary, she is 100% focused on the job at hand, and nothing after that."
That is a great point. Domestic issues are simply not her responsibility right now and she still has managed to stick in some great words into the conversation. That deserves a little credit.
Bruni even make sure to note, a point that diminishes his argument a little bit, that Bill has in fact said that he disagrees with DOMA in 2009. He also notes that Bill was one of the first democrats to openly support same-sex marriage.
The Clintons do lots of great work around the world. Let's give Hil' and Bill a chance to retire and hang out with some old gays for a while. They'll be more on board with the program soon enough.
[Image via AP]