When it was announced earlier today that future Queen of England Kate Middleton had created, inside her body, with help from Prince William, the eventual ruler of the United Kingdom and its associated territories, Twitter quickly jumped into the fray, doing what it does best: unfunny jokes.

Among the least funny, setting aside the maddening "parody" accounts that pop up after news events like guys selling $20 umbrellas in the rain, was the hashtag game "#UnlikelyRoyalBabyNames." Unfunny because basically any word in the English language — that isn't among the few dozen sufficiently regal-sounding saint's names from which Kate and Will will choose their kid's name — will qualify. Doubly unfunny because hundreds of thousands of people on Twitter all came up with the same joke name: "Shaniqua."

So many people on Twitter are making this same "joke" — which boils down to, I think, "it's unlikely that the future King and Queen of England will give their child the first stereotypically black name I can think of" — that if you search #UnlikelyRoyalBabyNames, the first "related" search is "#unlikelyroyalbabynames shaniqua."

This is a drop in the bucket:

Twitter is the greatest tool in the history of humanity for demonstrating how few original thoughts anyone has, ever.