Rapper Joe Budden's Dick Pic Allegedly Leaks, People Mock It

Earlier today an alleged nude shot of rapper Joe Budden leaked. (You may remember him from "Pump It Up" or his guest spot on Marques Houston's "Clubbin'," but let's face it: you probably do not). It's now strewn about the Internet—get an eyeful of it here, if you're inclined.
This being the Internet, where we have been spoiled by the human Pizza Hut breadsticks of Big Sean and Chris Brown, for example, anything less than an air duct in a dude's pants is deemed "small." Here's how it was received around the web today:
- MediaTakeout says: "A 'hacker' sent us a photo of Joe standing BUTT AZZ NEKKID in front of a mirror. And his PEEN is about the size of a cocktail weenie."
- Miss Jia wonders: "Are we labeling him a grower or...."
- A Sandra Rose reader confesses: "while he was out in cali we got in that nigga's phone. now we see why all his girls end up cheating on him."
- Sandra Rose herself opines: "A graphic photo exposing rapper Joe Budden‘s little buddy is on the Internet."
- SOHH.com philosophizes: "Could Joe Budden have the smallest package ever?"
No he couldn't. And he doesn't.
But don't feel bad for Budden. As unfair as people have been regarding what may be his totally normal, for all we know dangerous-when-erect schlong, he then out-assholed his cock's naysayers in a series of tweets:
#1. That picture is altered. #.2 I have no issue leaking my own dick, lol #3. 2 the men commenting, who raised u niggas?
— Joe Budden (@JoeBudden) December 6, 2012
& the day my dick is released to the public….it certainly wouldn’t be SOFT dick.. Lets use our brains here, lol
— Joe Budden (@JoeBudden) December 6, 2012
I get that it’s the new wave to say u hate Joe Budden… but really ?? I’ve beat off in front of enough women to take this 2 trial. Lol
— Joe Budden (@JoeBudden) December 6, 2012
1 things for sure tho…. I’m getting famous again.
— Joe Budden (@JoeBudden) December 6, 2012
So in addition to agreeing with everyone that this piece, whomever's it is, is small, he's also suggesting that there's something wrong with men who look at dicks (which is something he obviously had to do to deny it was him and co-sign on in the size discourse). Joe Budden may or may not have a small dick, but he sure acts like he does.