High School Scrambles to Hide Student's Shame After His 'Sneaky Nuts' End Up in Yearbook Photo (NSFW)

A senior at Mother Teresa High School was less than saintly when he decided to sneak his nuts into a photo that was slated to be published in the Ontario school's 2012 yearbook.

The photo went unnoticed until after the school had already printed all 1,300 copies and distributed most of them.
"The picture in the yearbook is a very small one and easily overlooked," a London District Catholic school board spokesman said. "But the school and the administration are very sorry that it happened."
School officials plan cover up the unidentified student's shame with a sticker featuring the same photo with the testicles airbrushed out. Those who have already obtained a copy of the yearbook can request their own sticker.
The yearbook's publisher has agreed to cover the cost of the stickers, but the ballsy student, who graduated in June, isn't off the hook.
The school said it was working to come up with "an appropriate punishment," which sounds to me like they're going to get creative.