Norteña singer Jenni Rivera is officially missing after her plane disappeared early this morning on the way to Toluca, near Mexico City. The plane left Monterrey before dawn, just after after Rivera finished performing. A spokesman for the state goverment, Jorge Domene, said that

a search for the plane was launched early [today], with helicopters from the local civilian protection agency flying over the state...Seven people, including the crew, were believed to be aboard the U.S.-registered Learjet 25.

Rivera, who was born and raised in southern California, has released more than a dozen studio albums, one of which, 2009's La Gran Señora, went double platinum in the United States. She performed at the Latin Grammys in Las Vegas in 2010. Neither the plane nor any of the passengers have been found.

UPDATE: The Associated Press is reporting the plane's wreckage has been found. There are apparently no survivors.

[Image via AP]