#BoycottInstagram Takes Off After Instagram Moves to Sell Users' Photos

Everyone is mad about Instagram changing its terms of services to allow it to sell your photos to advertisers without your knowledge. Now Instagram users have started a hashtag movement on Twitter, the internet equivalent of "actually doing something about it."
Thousands of #BoycottInstagram tweets have been fired off this morning, as Twitter users express their dismay that Instagram is turning into "the world's largest stock photo agency," as Cnet put it. Others have taken to writing farewell notes and posting them on Instagram.
A sampling of the international Twitter-rage:
Delete your Instagram accounts. A few cheezy photo filters isn't worth your privacy being sold! bbc.co.uk/news/technolog… #BoycottInstagram
— Cory Niblett (@cnibz) December 18, 2012
Deleted my @instagram account! You should do so too. #BoycottInstagram @youranonnews twitter.com/taitoush/statu…
— Amitai LP. (@taitoush) December 18, 2012
Produk rebrandingnya Instakilogram: p @insanp: Emang lagi trending #BoycottInstagram. Hmm"
— Sholich Mubarok (@paramuda) December 18, 2012
رفضاً لسياسة الخصوصية الجديدة للإنستقرام التي تنتهك خصوصيتي وتبيع صوري بدون إذني ، سأقوم بحذف حسابي من الموقع .❌ #BoycottInstagram
— محمد سعد المنيفي (@mohmad_almunifi) December 18, 2012
Can the #boycottinstagram movement enact change in the real world? Perhaps they can occupy Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom's parking spot at Facebook HQ.