Barbara Walters landed the first post-election interview with the Obamas, and she used the opportunity to focus exclusively on the important issues of the day. Just kidding-she went straight for the juicy stuff.

In a clip ABC News released to promote the interview, which airs tonight, Walters continued her "faht"-saying ways by asking the first couple about their sex life. Well, to be exact, she asked "how they keep the fire going in their marriage," but we all know what she meant.

There was an awkward pause and both Obamas chuckled nervously before giving their answer. The secret? As the president put it:

"We've been married now 20 years, and like every marriage, I think you have your ups and your downs. But if you work through the tough times, the respect and love that you feel deepens."

There's also, according to the first lady, "a lot of laughter" involved.

[via The Hollywood Reporter]