What happens behind the scenes at Gawker? We know you ask yourselves this question every single hour of every single day, and we don't blame you. We are fascinating. Sometimes we order sandwiches for lunch, and sometimes we order burritos. Sometimes we listen to music while we blog, and sometimes we do not. Sometimes Max Read picks his nose, but not always. With all this in mind, we're sharing with you our official "behind the blog post" backstories for all of the posts you clicked the shit out of this year. Next up: Jay-Z explains who he is to an old lady, world goes awww.

Jay-Z Rides the Subway, Adorably Explains Who He Is to an Adorable Old Lady

Originally Published: Dec. 4, 6:50 p.m.

Total Pageviews: 1,218,168

Posted by: Rich Juzwiak

The Backstory, from Rich Juzwiak:

I had spent the greater part of the day researching and writing at length about Ke$ha. I was vaguely aware of a Jay-Z documentary about his 8-show Barclays stint but I didn't have time to check it out. Emma reminded me toward the end of the day.

Emma: just watch that train convo
me: I'm right on top of that, Rose!
Emma: it's almost worth doing it's so adorable
me: Ooh nice
I will do it...
Emma: i mean, you decide
i think it's adorable

I excerpted that 50 seconds, threw it in our player, linked to the original, collaborated with Emma on the headline, and banged out a paragraph. The entire post took me less than 20 minutes and it received probably 10 times more traffic than anything I've done for Gawker by a lot. I'm still way prouder of the Ke$ha piece, though.


To revisit the time Jay-Z and Ellen Grossman won over the world, click here.