Japanese Porn Star Solicits Bottles of Semen from Twitter Followers for Upcoming Film (NSFW)

So you're making a sequel to the seminal porn film Semen Collection, but you just don't seem to have enough semen on hand to justify calling it a "collection." What do you do?
Solicit your Twitter fans for a few dozen bottles of baby batter, of course!

Japanese adult video idol Uta Kohaku — best known for her uncanny resemblance to former AKB48 member Atsuko Maeda, was asked by the AV studio RADIX to help procure 100 bottles of ejaculate needed for the production of Semen Collection 2.
She posted the request on her Twitter feed, and, within two short weeks, the cum quota was sufficiently met. The containers were delivered to RADIX care of Uta, with each "sample" properly labeled with the donor's name.
"The semen from my fans! Awesome!" tweeted the 20-year-old Uta. "I will care for them as if it were my own child."
As one Farker put it, if you're wondering what Japan is coming to — it's this.
FYI, Semen Collection 2 started shooting last week. Expect to find it behind the counter in the back room of your neighborhood fetish dungeon in the near future.