Icelandair Gets a Gold Star in Restraining Crazy Drunk Passengers

The above photo comes to us from a tipster whose friend took off on a plane from Iceland yesterday and quickly ascended to hell in the skies.
According to eyewitness accounts and Iceland's Morgunblaðið newspaper (link in Icelandic; pretend it's a Bjork song), the gentleman pictured downed "an entire bottle" of duty free alcohol, then proceeded to lose his damn mind, groping, choking, and spitting on other passengers, and yelling that the plane was going to crash.
A spokesman for Icelandair confirmed that a passenger was restrained for safety reasons and arrested after the plane landed at JFK. The man's nationality is unknown; he is a citizen of the world.
Have you ever been on a flight with an unruly passenger? Did said passenger require mummification by duct tape in order to be subdued? What's the drunkest you've ever been in the sky?