Florida Atlantic University Professor Wonders if the Sandy Hook Shooting Isn't Just One Big Mass Media Conspiracy

From every tragedy springs dozens of conspiracy theories, and the Sandy Hook massacre is no different. Of course, those theories usually leak from places like the "United Slaves of Amerika" Facebook page, Twitchy.com commenters and BeforeItsNews.com. Where you don't usually find them — or at least where you hope not to find them — is on the personal blogs of professors of accredited public universities. Alas, the world is not what we want it to be, and tenured Florida Atlantic University professor of media history James Tracy is wondering if the Newtown shooting "was intended primarily for public consumption to further larger political ends."
Naturally, Tracy is a practiced conspiracy theorist. His first post on the Sandy Hook shooting begins thusly:
It is now beyond question that the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King Jr. all involved patsies, additional gunman and perhaps most importantly, mass media complicity to achieve their political ends.
Likewise, the central thesis of his argument — and that of a host of conspiracy theorists — is that there were multiple shooters inside Sandy Hook that day.
Several independent researchers and most recently Infowars.com reporter Rob Dew have over the past few days pointed to evidence strongly suggesting how two additional Sandy Hook shooting suspects were apprehended by police in the minutes following 9:35AM when officers were dispatched to the elementary school.[2]
To Tracy, the seemingly obvious conclusion — that any suspects were detained erroneously and subsequently released — is tied into that third point: mass media conspiracy.
Journalists capable of exercising a modest degree of autonomy and personal insight would have clearly recognized such leads, thereby extending them to a more rigorous examination of law enforcement spokespersons and the broader Newtown community. Instead, the news media once again wholly abdicated any such responsibility to serve the public by unquestioningly parroting official pronouncements and carefully instructing their audiences on exactly how to interpret the event.
His blog posts are, as you would expect, incredibly long and nearly impossible to get through. But in an interview on Monday, he was a bit more direct about what he believes happened at Sandy Hook.
Tracy said he believes the deaths at Sandy Hook may have resulted from a training exercise. "Was this to a certain degree constructed?" he said. "Was this a drill?
"Something most likely took place," he said. "One is left with the impression that a real tragedy took place."
But, he added, he has not seen bodies, or photos of bodies. "Overall, I'm saying the public needs more information to assess what took place. We don't have that. And when the media and the public don't have that, various sorts of ideas can arise."
Tracy said also has doubts about the official version of the Kennedy assassination, the Oklahoma City bombing, the 9-11 terror attacks and the Aurora, Colo., theater murders.
One is also of course left with the impression that the families of Sandy Hook victims might have a bit to say about whether or not a tragedy took place.
FAU, for their part, had this to say.
"James Tracy does not speak for the university," Lisa Metcalf, FAU's director of media relations, told FoxNews.com in an email. "The website on which his post appeared is not affiliated with FAU in any way. As for any previous disciplinary actions at FAU, we do not comment on personnel matters."