In new footage of the now-infamous hog-tying of an inebriated Icelandair passenger, passengers can be seen covering the man's mouth with several layers of duct tape, to no avail.

46-year-old Gudmundur Karl Arthorsson continued to squirm and moan, despite being fully strapped down with zip ties.

According to an incident report, Arthorsson was heading to Trinidad and Tobago where he is employed as a civil engineer when he was taken into custody at Kennedy Airport for drunk and disorderly behavior.

He had apparently purchased several bottles of alcohol at a duty-free shop before boarding the plane, and downed them all during the flight from Reykjavik. He then became extremely unruly, attacking several passengers and screaming that the plane was going to crash.

After being removed from the plane, Arthorsson was taken to Jamaica Hospital, where he was treated for alcohol poisoning.

No charges were filed against him.

[video via YouTube]