Gawker Media sees a strong future for commerce on its properties, including Kotaku. That means we're looking for a longtime Kotaku reader with keen knowledge and recognized taste in video games, devices, and accessories to lead commerce content for Kotaku.

What is Commerce Content?
It's a brand new thing that merges writing and product curation. Most importantly, it adds value to our readers lives. So commerce content includes everything from posts about the cheapest deal on something our readers need to introducing them to new things they've never seen. It's a new type of service journalism. And yes, we generate revenue when products sell.

What You'll Do
Your beat is helping readers buy things. You'll be delivering content about products that Kotaku readers know, love, or should own. You'll have both a daily writing assignment and the freedom to pursue your own content ideas. If you're interested in things like deal forums, coupon codes, giving your friends product advice, and, you'll use all of those as inspiration to create your own new commerce content product. You will be:

  • writing deal roundups on games, devices, and all the Kotaku-worthy accessories
  • keeping up with all of Kotaku's coverage, reviews, and recommendations
  • engaging in conversation with Kotaku readers about gaming deals and retailers
  • tracking prices on major games and platform devices
  • researching accessory products that add value to gamers' lives (sleek chairs, ergonomic desks, high resolution monitors, snack food fuel)
  • being an authority on what's a bullsh*t deal and what's actually worth the price
  • being a product review and gaming forum hound
  • sourcing the occasional exclusive deal from small partners with the help of the biz team
  • promoting your deal roundups on social media and in our comments section
  • tracking your feature's success in analytics and affiliate programs
  • experimenting constantly to improve your readership and conversion

Who You'll Be Working With
You'll be working with our upstart commerce team, which is building shopping verticals across the Gawker Media properties. We're a startup group with the resources of a mature company. Think entrepreneurial!

Things You Should Be / Have
You should be a strong writer with an expert nose for the best gaming deals on the planet. More specifically you'll need:

  • Obsession with video games and the space that Kotaku occupies in reporting on them
  • Strong, conversational narrative voice and solid writing ability
  • Passion for finding good deals and getting one's money's worth
  • A nose for a really fucking good bargain, clearance sale, or coupon code
  • Top notch grammar, spelling, and the obvious other details that make for a sharp writer
  • Design sense, Photoshop basics, an eye for what looks good on screen
  • Light knowledge of HTML and blog post formatting

How to Apply
This is an hourly position at Gawker Media's NYC headquarters. You'll be writing for a couple hours each day and engaging community and social media presences. If things go well, a full time position might follow.

Send along the following in an email to commercejob AT gawker DOT com:

  • Intro note
  • Resume in plain text in the body of the email
  • Links to your online worlds (Kotaku commenter account, your blog, Twitter, game forum profiles, deal site comments, etc)
  • An example roundup post written for Kotaku readers with 3 of the best gaming deals you can find