When employees at Spain's Seville Zoo installed a TV inside the chimpanzee enclosure, they thought they were providing its inhabitants with mental stimulation.

At least they got the stimulation part right.

According to primatologist Pablo Herreros, one of zoo's chimps, Gina, became particularly enamored of the pastime more often associated with a different species of primates for a very human reason: She was addicted to "Homo"-sexual porn.

"The surprise was when they found that within a few days, Gina was not only using the remote control perfectly well, but that she also used to choose the porn channel for entertainment, as many of us would have done," Herreros wrote in his column for El Mundo.

He went on to note that "many animals do masturbate," and that non-human primates are known to possess the same "intense sexual life" as their human counterparts.

[photo unrelated via AP]