Next month more than 650 personal items of John F. Kennedy's are set to go for auction. They include photographs, mementos, gifts from foreign leaders during Kennedy's presidency and even clothing. All the items up for auction are from the personal collection of David Powers, who served as a Special Assistant to Kennedy during his presidency, and worked with him from the 1940's to Kennedy's death in 1963.

If you want anything, you'd better buy fast, because you know Taylor Swift will be buying up as much as she can. She can certainly afford it.

The collection is as fascinating as it is vast, and requires hours to comb through properly. So to save you some time, here are some of our favorites:

JFK Bachelor Party Photos — 1953

This set contains photos from JFK's bachelor party on September 2, 1953, as well as photobooth pictures of JFK and Jackie taken that spring.
Cost Estimate: $150 - $300

JFK's Bomber Jacket

This jacket with the presidential seal belonged to JFK. It has also been worn by Robert Kennedy and President Ronald Reagan and comes with a signed letter from Reagan to Powers, thanking him for the loan of the jacket. The jacket was a gift from Kennedy to Powers in 1962 or 1963. It's absolutely one-of-a-kind, and also fly as hell.
Cost Estimate: $20,000 - $40,000

The Brothers Kennedy

One photo of JFK and RFK together. Another of the three Kennedys: John, Bobby and Ted.
Cost Estimate: $50 - $100

JFK's Schedule — Nov. 21-22, 1963

Recognize those dates? This is an original copy of JFK's schedule while visiting Dallas in 1963, yes, that trip to Dallas in 1963. Changes are written in Powers' handwriting.
Estimated Cost: $2,500 - $5,000

Kennedy Family at Hyannis

Several photos of members of the Kennedy family at their compound in Hyannis.
Estimated Cost: $100 - $200

Inaugural Medal

Bronze medal given to Powers by Kennedy after his inauguration in January 1961.
Estimated Cost: $2,000 - $4,000

Inauguration Photo Album

This is a photo album with 27 photos from Kennedy's inauguration. In case you're wondering, a photo album is like an old-timey Instagram feed. The pictures were tinted using the "Nashville" filter.
Estimated Cost: $1,000 - $2,000

Pictures from JFK's Birthday Party — 1962

These pictures are from Kennedy's notorious 45th birthday celebration where Marilyn Monroe gave her most famous performance. It's believed Monroe herself is visible in the far right of one of the photos.
Estimated Cost: $200 - $400

Birthday Card from John, Jr.

This card was given to JFK by his son "John John" on his 46th (and final) birthday. It's signed "John xxooxxo."
Estimated Cost: $2,500 - $5,000

Birthday Card from RFK

JFK's brother Bobby gave him this card for his 46th birthday. It reads, "From one Top Executive to.... another! Happy Birthday."
Estimated Cost: $500 - $1,000

Resolution Naming the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

This is the resolution signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson to name the National Cultural Center in JFK's honor. It was a gift from LBJ to Powers.
Estimated Cost: $10,000 - $20,000

Elaine de Kooning JFK Portrait

Elaine de Kooning painted JFK in January 1963.
Estimated Cost: $5,000 - $10,000

Lighter from Mexican President

This lighter and pin were given to JFK by Mexican President Adolfo López Mateos during a visit to the country in 1962.
Estimated Cost: $600 - $1,200

Jackie Kennedy Mirror Selfie — 1954

Jackie Kennedy's version of a Snapchat, this picture of Jackie, JFK and Ethel Kennedy was taken in a mirror.
Estimated Cost: $100 - $200

Vacation in Palm Beach — 1955

Portrait of Jackie and JFK taken on vacation in Palm Beach, Florida March 1, 1955. Retro abs!
Estimated Cost: $200 - $400

Signed Wedding Portrait — 1953

This picture from the Kennedy wedding is signed by Jackie. It reads, "To Dave and Jo Powers with best wishes Jackie Kennedy."
Estimated Cost: $750 - $1,500

Signed copy of The White House

JFK signed this book as a gift to Powers and his wife.
Estimated Cost: $5,000 - $10,000

Signed Rat Pack Picture

Frank Sinatra signed this picture of himself, Peter Lawford, Sammy Davis, Jr. and Dean Martin on the set of Sergeants 3. It says, "We chaps listen to our President - Milk is great!! F.S."
Estimated Cost: $2,500 - $5,000

Presidential Filing Papers

Powers saved his copy of Kennedy's announcement that he was running for president.
$150 - $300

Presidential Motorcade Flag

This is one of only two flags bearing the presidential seal from JFK's presidency. It was flown on all boats or motorcades when JFK was present.
Estimated Cost: $5,000 - $10,000

Cuban Missile Crisis Memorabilia

This includes the pen Kennedy used to sign the "Interdiction of the Delivery of Offensive Weapons to Cuba," as well as a photo of him signing the document. In case that isn't enough history for you, there is also a page of JFK memo paper, CIA documents on the Cuban Missile Crisis and photocopies on launch sites. Legal? Who knows? Historical? Of course!
Estimated Cost: $5,000 - $10,000

The items are all being sold by John McInnis Auctioneers on Feb. 17.

[Images via John McInnis Auctioneers]