Yesterday, America's sweetheart Frank Ocean posted a message on his Tumblr regarding his alleged physical altercation with Chris Brown last month. It refutes a claim made last week by Los Angeles County Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore that Ocean "is desirous of prosecution in this incident":

As a child I thought if someone jumped me it would result in me murdering or mutilating a man. But as a man I am not a killer. I'm an artist and a modern person. I'll choose sanity. No criminal charges. No civil lawsuit. Forgiveness, albeit difficult, is wisdom. Peace, albeit trite, is what i want in my short life. Peace.

There's something terrifically melodramatic about his lack of drama, something pregnant in his periods that the rest of the world can fill in with a big bouquet of, "Awwwww!" But man, what a guy. Most people who despise Chris Brown (a vocal bunch, for sure) have never met Chris Brown. Here's one who has not just met him, but was supposedly attacked by him and is still offering forgiveness. Frank Ocean is either operating at a higher level than most human beings, or he knows well enough to make it look like he is. Either way: impressive.

[Image via Getty]