Facebook Cofounder's Husband Files Papers to Run for Congress

Sean Eldridge, the 26-year-old Democratic activist who last year married Facebook cofounder Chris Hughes, thus forming one of America's most powerful gay couples, has filed papers [PDF] to run for Congress in New York's Hudson Valley.
According to the filings, Eldridge, a Democratic activist and the head of an investment firm, will be seeking a House seat in New York's 19th District, currently represented by Representative Chris Gibson. Gibson, a two-term Republican and former West Point professor, was reelected in November by a margin of 53 percent to 47 percent. But the 19th District also broke for Obama; it is one of the dozens of vulnerable districts Democratic strategists are gunning for in 2014 in an effort to reclaim the House.
Assuming Eldridge wins the primary, Gibson, a heavily decorated war hero who assumed office in 2011, won't be easy to beat. But having the support of Chris Hughes and Hughes' $500 million fortune certainly can't hurt a person eager to get into the money-grubbing game of politics.
[Image via Wikimedia Commons]