Justin Bieber's questionable decision to counter-program the Grammy's with a livestream of his own (revenge for his Grammy snub, no doubt) is – surprise, surprise – not going so well. It seems as though Biebz or, more likely, his management team (ban Scooter) didn't anticipate the power of Beliebers and the U-Stream went over capacity. And then Bieber got sad :(

For a while, the stream worked, although it appeared to be a clip of video from like 4 years ago. And then in broke again.

Anyway, send your prayers and thoughts to Bieber – with no Grammy nominations and a broken U-Stream, he could really use them.

UPDATE: If you were wondering if Bieber is still upset, here's your answer: Not only has he "Never been so frustrated," he's also so frustrated he had to post a shirtless picture to his Instagram.