Professor Accidentally Leaves Projector On While Watching Porn During Class (NSFW)

Surfing porn sites at work is always tricky business, but probably never more so than when you're a university professor checking out PornHub inside a classroom on a computer that's hooked up to a working projector.
A daredevil professor at Wageningen University in The Netherlands figured that finding that perfect skin flick for later was worth that risk, and proceeded to visit the X-rated video site on the same computer he had just used to lecture a class full of students on Advanced Food Chemistry.
With the blood having rushed away from his cranium in a hurry, the professor, who was visiting from Belgium's Ghent University, apparently forgot to disconnect the computer from the overhead projector.
Though the classroom was empty at the time, students viewing the lecture online were able to learn more about their professor's porn tastes than they likely expected.
A screengrab of the extracurricular activity was brought to the attention of university officials, and the professor was asked to leave.
His afterschool activities notwithstanding, students spoke well of the professor, telling a local tabloid he was "an excellent teacher."
(And for the record, this is what he was watching when he got busted.)