It may have taken an unusually long time (over 24 hours!), but former Miss Delaware Teen USA Melissa King, who abdicated her throne this week following the emergence of a porn film allegedly starring her, has finally received her very first contract offer from an adult entertainment website.

However, unlike similar offers in the past, this one from demands no nudity whatsoever in exchange for "a compensation package of over $250,000."

In an open letter to King [PDF], the company's marketing director Brandon Burns, introduces YouPorn as "one of the top websites in the world averaging over 15 million visitors a day."

He continues:

While you may have surrendered your tiara for Miss Teen USA, we'd like to keep that pretty head of yours topped with ours, and name you Miss Youporn! [...]

We believe your incredible beauty and personality coupled with our internet traffic is a "win win" for both of us.
We believe this story will only catapult your career and could really expose you to an entirely different audience. Many famous directors and producers frequent our site daily, we know this due to the emails we receive from them. I am sure through your travels with us as Miss Youporn, you will meet a lot of incredible people and see the world. We'd love to sit down with you and your representatives at your earliest convenience.

As far-fetched as it might seem for King to accept Burns' offer, she may actually be contemplating it.

Since resigning her crown on Tuesday, King has been tweeting nonstop, mostly words of support from her fans.

Some of these statements, however, appear to be not-so-veiled admissions that her participation in a GirlsDoPorn film (NSFW) is not-so-alleged after all.

"If a good person does a bad thing, it does not make them bad," King retweeted shortly after the scandal first broke.

"Everyone makes some bad decisions. Nobodies perfect!" she retweeted the following day. "Make mistakes, learn from them, and move on," King retweeted a bit later, before immediately following it up with "Everyone falls down but it's how they get back up that really matters."

A few hours ago, King posted perhaps her most revealing retweet yet: "Be strong, life has a funny way of working out. Kim K made it and now is one of the most powerful women in the US."

Whether or not King sees Kim Kardashian as a role model, there's no doubt she wants to walk a similar path.

"One day, she hopes to work for a prestigious fashion magazine in New York City," reads a passage from King's Miss Teen USA bio, "or maybe on the sidelines of an NFL game as a sports journalist."

The name of the game is exposure, and King currently has exposure coming out the wazoo. The infamy will fade, but will it give way to fame and fortune?

And so we wait for the next retweet.

[screengrabs via OneMinuteNews, @Melissa_M_King]