In his first interview since his totally unbelievable trip to North Korea (where he, a bunch of Vice staffers, and the Harlem Globetrotters partied with brutal dictator Kim Jong Un), Dennis Rodman told George Stephanopoulos this morning that Kim Jong Un "wants Obama to do one thing: Call him."

Kim Jong Un said to the Hall of Famer Rodman, "If you can, Dennis – I don't want [to] do war. I don't want to do war."

Rodman was the first American to publicly meet the North Korean leader since Un assumed command of the country after the death of his father in 2011. Rodman says that while he doesn't condone what Kim Jong Un does (the death camps, massive starvation, etc.), he considers him "a friend for life."

Col. Steve Ganyard, a former deputy assistant secretary of state, told ABC News that the CIA was making a huge mistake in not debriefing Rodman after his trip to the DPRK, "There is nobody at the CIA who can tell you more personally about Kim Jong Un than Dennis Rodman, and that in itself is scary."

[Image courtesy of ABC]