Lamb of God Frontman Randy Blythe Acquitted of Manslaughter Charges

A Czech court has acquitted Lamb of God frontman Randy Blythe of manslaughter charges related to the 2010 death of Daniel Nosek, a fan who was pushed off the stage by Blythe during a concert in Prague.
Blythe admitted to pushing 19-year-old Nosek, but said he was unaware of his subsequent death, which occurred several weeks later, and had only learned of the charges against him when his band had returned to Prague last June.
"I have been found not guilty & acquitted of all charges against me," Blythe wrote in an Instagram post a short while ago. "I am a free man."
He added: "Please remember the family of Daniel Nosek in your thoughts & prayers in this difficult time. I only wish for them peace."
Though the presiding judge ruled that Blythe's actions "had not constituted a crime," the prosecution remained unsatisfied and has already filed an appeal.
If convicted, Blythe faced up to 10 years in prison.