So Russell Crowe and a friend of his installed a camera outside Crowe's office in the Sydney suburb of Woolloomooloo with the intention of capturing footage of fruit bats rising from the nearby Botanic Gardens.

But when Crowe went to play back the video, he came across three startling frames.

"UFO?" he asked his 825k Twitter followers, providing a link to a time-lapse of the stills in questions. "THESE ARE REAL!" he exclaimed.

The images might be real, but do they show a real UFO? Crowe seems confident that they do. "Canon 5D, No Flash, can't be a lense flare because it moves , camera is fixed," he tweeted.

His followers still weren't entirely convinced, despite Crowe's conviction.

"It's a reflection in the glass/window that you've parked your camera in front of," responded one follower. "Probably a car's tail light."

Others were less inclined to second-guess the One True Crowe. "I'm with you RC," tweeted Flight of the Conchords' Rhys Darby. "Definitely a UFO there."

Case closed? Maybe not. But I, for one, am thoroughly entertained.

[H/T: BetaBeat]