'Dumb' Identity Thief Hands Waitress Her Own Stolen ID Card

Applebee's waitress Brianna Priddy never expected to encounter her stolen driver's license again, much less in her own restaurant after having it handed to her by a customer who turned out to be the person who stole it in the first place.
But that's precisely what happened.
"Four people come in, walk in, sit down. They start ordering drinks. This girl hands me my ID as a fake ID," Priddy told 9News.
The Lakewood, Colorado, resident had her wallet stolen last month, and since then someone had been handing out bad checks all around town in her name.
"I didn't say anything," Priddy recalled. "I handed it back to her and said sure I'll be right back with your margarita. [I] went straight to the phone, called the cops."
While waiting for the police, Priddy kept the table busy with drinks and apps. "I don't know how I kept it cool," she told Fox 31. "I wanted to jump across the table and go at her!"
Officers soon arrived and arrested the woman — a 26-year-old hardly in need of a fake ID to order drinks — and charged her with theft, identity theft, and criminal impersonation.
"We found some narcotics in this woman's possession, so she's in quite a bit of hot water," said police spokesman Steve Davis, who noted that the first words that came to his mind after learning of the incident were "dumb criminal."
For her part, Priddy is surprised the thief got as far as she did, noting that she looked nothing like her.
Still, she had some helpful advice for would-be copycats: "You don't hand somebody their own ID as a fake."