Coolest Kid in School Shows Up with $20,000 in Cash, Hands Out Hundred Dollar Bills to Classmates

Police are still investigating how a 12-year-old girl from Taylor, Michigan, came to possess a backpack stuffed with $20,000 in cash.
According to local police chief Mary Sclabassi, the unnamed Sixth Grade Academy student had brought the backpack to school with her and had been handing out large sums of money to her classmates when she got caught by school officials.
"Had word gotten out to maybe someone other than some other 12-year-olds, it could have put her in a dangerous position," Sclabassi said.
Though police have released few details concerning the source of the ill-gotten gains, they would say that the girl had apparently received the backpack the night before from "another child who lives across the street."
The money has since been returned to the neighbors, but police, who refuse to name any of the people involved, say the investigation is ongoing.