Today, in very interesting human beings: Andrew Wardle, a 39-year-old British man who was a) born with no penis and yet nevertheless managed to, with the help of LSD and ecstasy, b) sleep with over 100 women and is now about to c) undergo surgery to turn skin from his arm into a functioning penis in the proper place.

The Sun (so, caveat lector) reports:

Andrew, from Stalybridge, Gtr Manchester, was born with an ectopic bladder, which meant it formed on the outside of his body. Although he has testicles, he did not have a penis at all. He had a successful op on his bladder but his birth defect remained. [...]

Andrew [...] experimented with drugs such as ecstasy and LSD as a way of dealing with the psychological effects of being born without his manhood. He said: "By taking drugs I gave myself the perfect cover.

"I'd bed girls but said things could only go so far because the drugs meant I couldn't rise to the occasion. I've been to bed with over 100 women. Some were one-night stands, some long-term relationships. I've told 20 per cent of them the truth."

Earlier this year, Wardle read The Sun's coverage of the arm-to-penis surgery of Mohammed Abad (pictured), and decided to seek out his own. During the surgery, a "large flap" of skin from his forearm is removed, rolled into a tube (like a jelly roll), and attached to his pubic bone and testicles. The new penis will have feeling, be able to pass urine "and look natural too." (A "pump-operated implant" will be necessary for Wardle to have the ability to have penetrative sex.)

[The Sun]