A skinhead who thought it would be a good idea to do the Nazi salute on stage during a Dropkick Murphys concert at NYC's Terminal 5 last week learned quite a bit about what's in a band name, courtesy of founding member/bass player/lead singer Ken Casey.

Here's how it went down, courtesy of Rocks Off:

It was St Patty's Day week, the shows were packed, and people were getting drunk. And Rowdy. Really Rowdy. As has become tradition the band invited the ladies to come onto the stage for their encore of "Kiss Me Im Shitfaced" 50+ ladies made it past the barricade and onto the stage and danced the song away. The band then kicked into "Skinhead on the MBTA" and a ton of dudes werre getting past security and the stage ended up being packed tighter than the underside of a real man's kilt. As the band kicked into T.N.T. by AC/DC some moron started seig heiling (the nazi salute) in time to the beat.

Ken Casey noticed this and ran right over to the guy, smashed him in the face, took off his bass and hit him with that and then jumped on him and all out chaos ensued. We could only assume from our vantage point that said nazi got his ass kicked. About 30 seconds later Ken emerged from the pileup with his shirt torn and made his way back to the front of the stage. He strapped on his bass and said into the microphone "Nazis are NOT FUCKING WELCOME at a Dropkick Murphys show."

As it so happens, the Dropkick Murphys just announced a nationwide tour that's expected to last for three whole months and will include performances at Coachella, Sasquatch!, and Kanrocksas.

Those planning on attending one of the dates are advised to leave their sieg heils at home.

[H/T: BrooklynVegan via The Hollywood Reporter]