On last night's episode of Inside the Actors Studio, host James Lipton and guest Tina Fey talked about everything: From essential bra advice to Lean Cuisines to Fey's favorite curse word (spoiler: it's "shitballs").

But it was all a dress rehearsal compared to the showstopping moment when Lipton, in signature fashion, asked if he could interview Fey as her most famous character — Sarah Palin.

Fey proceeded to slip seamlessly into Palin's Alaskan drawl, and spent the next few minutes improvising answers to Lipton's questions on same-sex marriage, gender equality, and guns.

And here's a fun fact: Lorne Michaels didn't notice Fey's likeness to Palin until it was pointed out to him by his doorman. Huh!

[video via Mediaite]