By now, you know all about Two Scoops, the new short film that Robert Rodriguez is making about a pair of extremely attractive ass-kicking twins named Lola and Lucia for Project Green Screen in conjunction with BlackBerry. The first act, in which he's asking regular people such as yourself to submit a performance of one of the roles, is underway. Greg Stees showed you his. And readers Aaron and Artie showed us theirs.

Above, we have Aaron's take on the agent: bold, bald, and flak-vested. (Anyone else getting shades of the Hatch?)

Below, behold reader Artie's opus. The eyepatch is a nice touch, as is the "office minion POV."

These guys already have Robert Rodriguez's attention...can you do better? Send him your performance video to him by April 3 (that's in two days, people) and you could be the one starring in Two Scoops as the Agent.

Here's how you enter:

  • Go here to download the script snippet that includes the Agent's dialogue
  • Shoot a video of your performance
  • Upload your performance video to YouTube, then post the link here by April 3 — this is your last chance to participate in this Act!

Lola and Lucia are waiting for their scene partner. Letting them — or Robert — down is not recommended. And if acting is not your thing, there are two more chances to get involved coming soon. Stay tuned...