IKEA's massive food scandal continues. Six weeks ago, the Swedish furniture store ran into some trouble after its famed meatballs tested positive for horse DNA in several European stores. Then, one week later, it was revealed some of the chain's almond cakes contained a bacteria normally found in shit.

Now, in a reverse of the "unexpected ingredient/bacteria discovery," the store is recalling 17,000 containers of moose lasagna from stores in Europe after traces of pork were found in a batch in Belgium.

Making the scandal somewhat worse, the recall of the pork-tainted moose-filled pasta wasn't announced until Swedish paper Svenska Dagbladet published an article about it on Saturday.

"We have more information now. That's why we choose to inform now," [IKEA spokeswoman Tina] Kardum said.

But, "why moose meat?," you ask? Here's the Associated Press to explain.

Moose meat is common in Sweden though it's not typically used in lasagna.

So there you have it. No word on why pork was such a problem — maybe it's a religious thing? We should all just be eating horse meat anyway.

[Image of Moose-Free Lasagna via Shutterstock]