There have been no shortage of pleonastic stories making Amanda "I Want Drake to Murder My Vagina" Bynes out to be in the throes of a downward spiral with no bottom in sight.

But leave it to the actress (?) herself to make the most definitive case for her rickety psychological state without saying a single word.

In a minute-long video posted by Bynes to the video sharing site Telly, the former child star can be seen making increasingly troubling facial expressions while ostensibly examining her newly embedded cheek piercings in the mirror.

"I'm Sucking On A Sour Patch Kid Listening To Music Getting Ready For Tonight," Bynes tweeted before adding, "Twerking Out."

Fans were quick to speculate on what was truly going on in the live-streaming meltdown.

"Twerking out huh? Or tweaking? U are a hot mess. Amanda plz!" wrote one Telly user. "THIS IS NOT AMANDA BYNES! I know the real one and this one is fake," wrote another, echoing Bynes own claims that an impostor is roaming the streets pretending to be her.

Some are still holding fast to the notion that, while this Bynes is real, her actions are not.

"Part of me is hoping she's just trolling us all," said one concerned fan. "Maybe shes faking it, then planning a 'comeback'?" added another.

But it was the fan who insisted that it was all a "sophisticated form of performance art" who took the conjecture cake.

Or perhaps it was the fan who followed up that theory with an even better one: "lilo mockumentary in the making imo."

[H/T: ONTD, tweet via @AmandaBynes, video via Telly]